aerial image of the engineering complex including LEEP2, M2SEC, Learned, Eaton, and Slawson Halls

Department Mission

KU Chemical & Petroleum Engineering integrates teaching excellence and research innovation to educate students and produce future leaders.

Group of seven students wearing lab coats and standing around the lab

Chemical Engineering

World renowned faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, innovative teaching and research prepare students to solve problems and positively impact the world. Discover chemical engineering and the emphases we offer in Biomedical, Data Science, Environmental, Material Science, Premedical, and Petroleum Engineering.

About Chemical

CPE 619 Senior petroleum lab with several students working around the space

Petroleum Engineering

The University of Kansas hosts the only petroleum engineering program in the State of Kansas and is home to the Tertiary Oil Recovery Program. Learn more about how hands-on education based on industrial problems and real-world examples taught by expert faculty can start your path to a successful career.

About Petroleum

Nick Reding working in the Shiflett lab

Graduate Programs

Work on cutting-edge research with nationally and internationally recognized faculty in areas including bioengineering, catalysis, renewable energy, sustainability, separations, enhanced oil and gas recovery, unconventional reservoirs, data mining and reservoir characterization, flow in porous media, and reservoir simulation.

About Graduate

Introduction to the department

The Power of Financial Support